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Products and requirements

Find out which products offered under the scheme and the specific product requirements.

Installers must ensure all products and installations are compliant with the applicable law and other relevant standards.

Products offered under the scheme & specific product requirements

Category A - Electrical generation and storage
  • CEC (NETCC) accreditation* is required for retailers of solar PV
  • Installers of these products must be CEC approved and hold appropriate Tasmanian electrical licenses​
  • Installers of Category A products must submit a Certificate of Electrical Compliance (CEC) to TechSafe​
  • This Certificate must be submitted within three days of energising the installation. TechSafe will then inspect the work for electrical compliance
Category B - Efficient electrical appliances

Category B products include:

  • Heat pumps
  • Heat pump and solar hot water systems
  • Induction and ceramic stove tops
  • Energy-efficient white goods.

Vendors must only offer products meeting minimum Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS)​:

  • Electric heating & cooling - see list of products on
  • Electric & solar hot water systems - see list of products on
  • Energy efficient white goods - eligible appliances must meet the minimum energy star ratings outlined on the ReCFIT website:
    • Fridges/freezers - 5.0
    • Clothes washing machines - 4.5
    • Clothes dryers - 6.0
    • Dishwashers - 4.5
Category C - Building energy efficiency upgrades for existing buildings

Category C products include:

Installation of Category C products must be included with every purchase of this class of product​.

Installation must be undertaken by an accredited builder, appropriately licensed contractor, or industry professional.