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Recruitment at Brighte and how candidates can stand out from the crowd

Brighte's Talent Acquisition team discuss their roles, job market trends and how candidates can stand out in the sustainable tech space.

By Hassanah Rudd

01 December 2021

I’ve been in recruitment a long time – you might call me ‘vintage’ – in various industries and both client-side and in agency land. I’ve always loved what I do and I’m lucky to be incredibly passionate about my choice of career.

Brighte came to me at a time I was looking for something new and challenging. There was just something really special and fresh about the organisation – what it does and how it does it. In truth, I was sold from the first contact I had with them and everybody I met from then on was unbelievable.

Our mission is very inspiring, but it’s truly the people that make this company what it is. I work with some of the brightest people you’d ever want to meet, who remain so human and humble at the same time. I knew right away I’d found somewhere I could enjoy a career with real purpose, alongside amazing colleagues.

Right now is a unique time for talent acquisition, and sustainable tech is emerging as the place to be. It’s such an exciting field and the best part is it has real meaning. Who wouldn’t want to do something that’s really making a difference? My TA team at Brighte has the best of both worlds: fun people and challenges, and work that is meaningful.

It’s a great time to join us because we’re in a fantastic growth phase, full of innovation and experiences. Below are some of my team members’ insights into their roles, job market trends, candidate tips, and why they love Brighte as much as I do!

Eirini, Talent Acquisition Partner

Hi Eirini, tell us about your role and what led you to Brighte.

I recruit for any roles that don't fall under the energy or tech banner. Think Finance, Credit, Admin, Operations, Sales – and even some roles like Data Scientist.

I was really excited to join Brighte as our mission of creating a more sustainable world is something that resonates very deeply with me. We’re making sustainable living accessible to the everyday Aussie, which is very important – the main detractor for people in making sustainable changes is the difficulty and complication behind them, and we’re removing all of that! 

Every person I had met prior to joining Brighte gave me a really promising impression of the culture. Now, three months in, I can tell you it is almost too good to be true! We are a passionate and ambitious bunch, and it's an incredible environment to do meaningful work in. 

Can you explain what it’s like interviewing for Brighte? What does the process look like? 

Generally our process consists of an initial phone screen, conducted by one of our TA business partners. That’s followed by an interview with the hiring manager, and then perhaps a final round with a relevant senior manager.

Feedback is important to us – both for candidates and hiring managers. Through open and constructive conversation, feedback creates an opportunity of discovery for all parties involved. People can uncover things they didn't even know about themselves, and internally we can come to a better understanding of what the business needs, and how we can go about finding that.

Constructive feedback for a candidate can provide them with a valuable lesson and a means to sharpen their interview skills. They understand their strengths and opportunities, and where they can make adjustments. So even if they aren't successful in this role, they can utilise those learnings in all future job searches! 

Claire Wright, Talent Acquisition Partner

Hi Claire, tell us about your role and what led you to Brighte.

I look after recruitment across our Marketing, Communications, Operations, Compliance & Risk and Credit departments.

I was excited to join Brighte due to its extensive growth, start-up culture, and mission to make renewable energy available and accessible to everyday Australians. Brighte provides an exciting, fast-paced and innovative work environment, with an amazing team. Everyone is so supportive, including our leaders who really support professional and personal growth. 

What are the candidate market trends you’re seeing for 2022?

The recruitment market has changed drastically over the past two years. Many candidates want a remote or hybrid option to provide a greater work life balance. Working from home is becoming an essential option.

We are also seeing inflated salaries due to candidate shortages across Australia caused by border closures. Great news for job searchers! 

Adelina Ekechukwu, Talent Acquisition Partner

Hi Adelina, tell us about your role and what led you to Brighte.

I'm a Talent Acquisition Partner here at Brighte, recruiting for Product and Engineering. I joined Brighte because I believe in our mission to make every home sustainable. I wanted to work for a company with a purpose that I could really feel passionate about.

What tips can you give candidates for standing out with their resume, and during the application process?

Make your CV easy to read and let the content do the talking. Tailor it to the role. Research the company and showcase the skills that make you great for the role you’re applying for. Talk about your projects and go into detail, showing the specifics and what your achievements and outcomes were.

And while we want to see your tech skills at Brighte, we also want to hear about your soft skills. Be sure to include any links to your LinkedIn, GitHub, stack and any other relevant digital profiles.

Finally, feel free to ask whoever you’re in contact with, whether a recruiter or TA partner, for thoughts on your CV and if they can suggest any improvements. We’re always happy to give you advice and tips to make sure your application is the best it can be! 

Aleksandra Domanowska, Talent and People Partner

Hi Aleksandra, tell us about your role and what led you to Brighte.

I look after the Energy team, which you can think of as a start-up within a start-up.

I worked at a TV station for two and a half years before I came here. I was seeking a change. One of the things that really attracted me to Brighte was the purpose of the business in sustainability. There is also loads of room here for growth, innovation and creativity.

Interestingly, my background was in consulting and psychology. I'm actually a business psychologist. It has been very useful bringing that sort of consultancy approach to the team, looking at things from a talent management perspective as well as workforce planning, employer branding, and factoring in different aspects of our required talent.

What are your best tips for candidates in terms of how they approach answering questions in interviews?

Be yourself first and foremost – and be professional, but not necessarily overly formal. Also remember to be precise and to the point. That means giving specific examples that demonstrate your ability. Recall a particular project and then relate what you learned or achieved on it to the qualities that make you a good fit for the new role you’re applying for. 

I also always recommend researching a lot about the companies you’re interested in, not just the roles themselves. That shows any prospective employer that you’re really passionate, not only about the role in question, but about the entire business, who they are and what they’re doing.

Make sure you research the company’s culture as well. One of the reasons I was so drawn to Brighte was its diversity – lots of different people, cultures and backgrounds here, and everyone is welcome to express themselves and give feedback. I knew that was the kind of workplace I wanted to be in.

Huy Do, Talent Acquisition Specialist

Hi Huy, tell us about your role and what led you to Brighte.

I look after our Technology department. I started my journey with Bright back in Feb 2021. I chose Brighte over other tech houses because we were at the very start of our scaling journey and there were a lot of exciting opportunities for me to have a direct impact from the very beginning. More importantly though, Brighte's values and mission really resonated with my own beliefs – so it was definitely a match made in heaven!

Since February I've had the pleasure of building strong relationships with our lovely tech leaders to scale our tech division up from two to five teams. I’ve also had the freedom to improve a lot of processes within recruitment and onboarding so we can speed up the time to hire, increase our conversion rate and solidify Brighte's message about the amazing projects we're doing to make every home sustainable.

Joining Brighte has been the best decision of my career! We've got a strong culture of growth and support to help our people achieve their professional and personal goals. We always make sure to put our people first and encourage our team to be continuously learning and developing their skillsets. 

What advice do you have for job-seekers looking for new opportunities?

Coming from recruiting in London, I quickly learned that the Sydney tech community is very close-knit. Networking and attending meetups will not only enable you to make new connections and like-minded friends, but it’s also a friendly and welcoming space for knowledge sharing.

Meetups really enable you to immerse yourself within the community and learn from others. 

It will do wonders for your career. Usually there are Lead Engineers and Engineering Managers at the events and you'll have direct access to them, asking about their cool products and if they may have a job for you. You will stand out amongst the many others who apply for the same job, because you won’t be just a faceless name in their system. You have the chance to make a lasting impression. Plus the free pizza and drinks are always welcome!